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Accountant Settings Page

Where you can manage your clients' details, tax and inventory method settings, and integrations.

Layla Huang avatar
Written by Layla Huang
Updated over a week ago

This is a guide on your accountant Settings page. If you are not on the accountant plan, please go to the Settings Page guide.

Click the profile icon on the top right of the page. You will then see the Settings button on the drop-down menu.

Once on the Settings page, you can search and switch among your client accounts through the top left drop-down search bar.

Accountant Personal Account Settings

If you want to update your accountant settings, choose your admin account from the list of clients. The top profile on the list represents your account. Once chosen, you will notice that you only have one Account tab on the sidebar.

The Accountant Settings looks like this:


This is your admin email. Changing the email will change your account admin login details and where the invoices and receipts are sent. Note: If you decide to change your email, you can only use an email that is not currently associated with CTC.


This displays if you log in via Google, Coinbase, or Xero OAuth. You can disconnect OAuth and create a password.

Note: Disabling OAuth is irreversible. You can only log in via email and password once you disconnect your OAuth.


You can change your name here.


This cannot be changed once you have chosen the Country.

Local Currency

This will be set to the native currency of your chosen country and cannot be changed.


Currently, we support English, Deutsch, and Español. More languages to come 😉

Account Password

You can change your password here.

Enable 2FA

You can enable 2FA to increase your account security.

Client Settings

If you have chosen a client from the list, you will find two tabs on the sidebar: Account and Portfolio & Tax. We will show you how to navigate each of these settings.


Client Details

Invitation Status

You can invite your clients and work on the data together. Read the guide How do I invite my client? for more details. If the client accepts your invitation, it will look like the below image:

Client's email

This is linked to the invitation you sent to your client’s email. It will show ‘No linked client’ if it’s not linked to any email address.

Client's name

You can change the client’s name here. It will show on the generated reports.

NOTE: You cannot use duplicate client names.


This is, by default, set up the same as the accountant’s country. To manage a client in a different jurisdiction, you need to sign up for an accountant account in that jurisdiction.

Local Currency

This is the local currency of your country and can not be changed.


Currently, we support English, Deutsch, and Español. More languages to come 😉

Data Management

This shows which side of the data is being used. The accountant can NOT change this setting. Only the client can change it when they are invited by the accountant.

If your client has accepted your invitation, but the imported data seems incorrect, or no data is available even though you or your client has imported the data, check with your client if they have chosen the wrong side of the data with their Permissions Setting on the Settings Page.

Manage Data

Clear Data

The client’s account will remain, but the data imported will be deleted. You can use this feature if you want to start from scratch for this client.

Note: This action cannot be undone.

Delete Client

By deleting the client's account, both the data and the client will be removed. This also removes the subscription linked to the client and cannot be undone.

Note: This action cannot be undone. After passing the 7-day Period, we are unable to recover your data.

If you want to cancel this client's future subscription, you can do this on the Client page by clicking the three dots.


This option is toggled on by default; however, if there are issues with scrolling on the Transactions page, it is recommended this is turned off. If an issue continues, please reach out to the support team.


When opening a support chat inquiry and/or if being asked by support to provide your UID (User Identification Number), please navigate to the bottom of this Account page to find your UID.

Portfolio & Tax

The default settings are recommended settings provided to you depending on your tax country's jurisdiction. Switching these toggles will affect your reports. Please make sure that you consult with a tax professional before making any changes.

Tax Settings

Inventory Method

This is set up with the default method of your country's tax jurisdictions. However, you have control over changing this to an alternate method. Please always check with your tax professional before using another inventory method. You can read our relevant guides for more details:


Crypto Tax Calculator will auto-convert the timestamps in your transactional data to the timezone you choose.

Refresh Calculations

Clicking ‘Refresh Calculations’ will force a manual report refresh of your account and calculations. The system does this automatically as you use the app. You can also use this to ensure the calculations are up to date.

Cost Basis Tracking

Use this setting to change how the Cost Basis is tracked across your data. For example, using an example of purchasing an asset 3 times with different dates under the First In First Out (FIFO) Inventory Method;





Day 1

Buy 1 ETH



Day 45

Buy 1 ETH



Day 90

Sell 1 ETH



If you choose:

  • Universal

    The cost basis will be tracked universally across all wallets and exchanges.

    In this case, on Day 90, your capital gains tax liability is $2,000 - $4,000 = - $2,000

  • By wallet and exchange

    The cost basis is tracked by wallet and exchange. This means that an asset may have multiple cost bases based on the purchase price where the asset was purchased.

    In this case, on Day 90, your capital gains tax liability is $2,000 - $3,000 = -$1,000 on Binance.

Tax Toggles

For an in-depth guide on the above settings, please navigate to Toggles Article Collection.

Portfolio Toggles

When toggled off, only imported accounts display in the portfolio. When on, your portfolio holdings will also include suspected accounts, which are wallets and exchanges that have been interacted with but not imported.

Note: This toggle affects portfolio view only, not tax calculations.

Long Term Threshold

This is the time period an asset is held before the gains are considered long-term capital gains. This is default set to your chosen country's rulings. Please always check with your tax professional before changing because it may affect your Capital Gains Report. We do not calculate the different tax implications of assets that fall within a short or long-term threshold. Our reports only indicate which gains or losses would be subject to these.

Price Fallback Window

When there are missing prices on transactions, we will search for transactions of the same asset within a window around the transaction time, and if a price exists for this, we will assume this price on the missing one. The default time is set to 4 hours. It can be modified from anywhere from 0 to 24 hours.

Adjusted Balance Accuracy

This feature provides some leeway to ignore balance remaining issues below a certain fiat threshold because of decimal place rounding issues. This is usually caused by the exchange transaction data that has been rounded up. Some exchanges only provide information to X number of decimals, while the real potential decimal place can be 16 or even up to 24 decimals. This can lead to some rounding errors, particularly if you have done lots of trading. Some level of inaccuracy is to be expected when you have such a variance in the data quality.

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