The portfolio page is designed as a comprehensive tool for tracking your entire cryptocurrency trading history. It allows users to monitor their complete portfolio from the start of their trading journey. In the following sections, we will break down each component, explain their meanings, and detail the calculation methods used. Please note that the values displayed on the portfolio page may differ from the final figures shown in your reports, which we will discuss in detail.
Guide video:
Reported and Calculated balances
The most imported concept to understand when it comes to the way CTC displays data, is understanding the difference between Reported and Calculated balances, and where each one is used in the app.
Reported Balance - The amount reported by the exchange or wallet not including CTC's calculations
Calculated Balance - All transactions as calculated by CTC, including those manually added or edited. The calculated balance is what is always used for the reports.
Note - The reports will always use the Calculated balance, where the portfolio will use a mix of both Reported and Calculated.
This is why you can have different results on the portfolio and reports pages.
The following area is a graph chart displaying your current portfolio progress;
We'll start by breaking down each component of the portfolio:
Portfolio Graph Timeframe
Starting from the bottom left side of the graph. You can choose what time frame the portfolio graph displays. This is crucial for a few of the other numbers that we will be discussing!
This is the current market value of all your assets, displayed in your local currency.
This figure is calculated from the total sum of the ‘value’ column found further below in your 'holdings' section.
The value of this figure is likely to change frequently as the price fluctuates in the market.
This value can and often will be different to what the graph is showing, this is because the 'balance' uses the reported balance from the exchange/s and/or wallet/s.
Where the graph uses the balance as calculated by CTC (Calculated Balance).
All Time High and Fiat Invested
On the right side of the graph making the Y axis, you will find your portfolio ATH and total fiat invested.
The portfolio ATH will possibly change based on the selected timeframe.
This graph is based on the calculated balances in Crypto Tax Calculator. Accuracy relies on you importing all your data and the correct reconciliation of transactions.
Any missing purchases, missing prices, and/or zero-cost base balances are excluded from this chart.
Portfolio toggle
When toggled off, only imported accounts display in the portfolio. When on, your portfolio holdings will also include suspected accounts, which are wallets and exchanges that have been interacted with but not imported.
The toggle can be found on the Settings > Portfolio page.
Note: This toggle affects portfolio view only, not tax calculations and reports.
Total Return
Your total return is your all time performance from investing in crypto. Calculated as the sum of your portfolio value (Balance) and fiat proceeds after deducting fiat invested.
Balance + Fiat Proceeds - Fiat Invested = Total return
Unrealized Gains
This is your current unrealized profit or loss across your entire portfolio.
This figure is calculated from the difference between your 'balance' and 'cost base' (Balance - Cost Base = Unrealized Gains)
This figure will change with time or any transaction editing.
Fiat Invested
The total amount of native fiat that you've used to purchase crypto.
E.g. A US tax payer, purchasing 1 BTC with $2000 USD.
Fiat Proceeds
The amount of native fiat that you've received as a result of selling crypto.
E.g. A US tax payer, selling 1 BTC for $3000 USD.
Fiat Invested and Fiat Proceeds are calculated from the disposal or acquisition (Buy, Sell, Trade) of the fiat currency and not from the "Fiat deposit" or "Fiat Withdrawal" categories.
Fees Paid
The total fiat value of fees you have paid, not including "Margin Fees"
Token allocation
Below the portfolio graph, you can see your token allocation accompanied by a widget showcasing the proportion of your current assets.
Hover over the purple sector, you can see the percentage of allocation in correlation to your whole portfolio.
Winners and Losers
Highest performing assets with the highest unrealized gains according to the current market price will show as a green bar.
Lowest performing assets with the lowest unrealized gains according to the current market price will show as a red bar.
At the bottom of the portfolio page, you will find a comprehensive breakdown of your current holdings. This detailed breakdown includes the quantity of assets you currently possess, along with the corresponding price, value, cost, return on investment (ROI), and the current unrealized gain/loss;
Currency | The asset you currently hold. |
Quantity | The quantity/amount you hold of the asset. This uses the Reported Balance so any manually added or edited transactions won't show here. |
Price | The current market price of the asset. Smaller assets that we can't get market prices for and NFT's will show N/A here. |
Value | The current total value of the asset.
Cost | The total cost of the asset. This is using the Calculated Balances and will include and manual or edited transactions |
ROI | The return on investment % of the asset.
Unrealized Gain | The current unrealized gain/loss of the asset.