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Review: Missing Market Price
Tim Brunette avatar
Written by Tim Brunette
Updated over 2 months ago

You may have to review and update transactions where there is no market price available. This error typically occurs when you add a transaction into Crypto Tax Calculator, and we can't determine the market value of the cryptocurrency at the time of the transaction.

Some common scenarios where we may not be able to find the historical market pricing information include;

  • Coins that are not traded often.

  • Have low liquidity.

  • Newly created.

  • Unlisted.

  • ICO/IDO.

Due to the way we obtain our historical pricing information from data aggregators, in these situations, Crypto Tax Calculator assumes a zero dollar price. When this happens, you'll be shown the notification against the transaction itself, as seen below via a ‘yellow dot’ highlighted in green;

How can I fix this?

Once you find out the price, you can manually add the price to the transaction. To fix this error, you can follow the below steps;

  1. Hover over the ‘yellow dot’ to be shown the Missing Market Price notification and click on ‘Add Price’;

  2. On the Edit Price, Currency & Value dialog, you can update the market price (in your local currency) of the coin at the time of the transaction, and then click 'Update';

  3. Once updated, the ‘yellow dot’ and notification will disappear from the transaction row;

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