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Currency is Incorrect

How to fix a transaction with an incorrect currency and stop incorrect currencies showing on your dashboard

Patrick McGimpsey avatar
Written by Patrick McGimpsey
Updated over a week ago

With hundreds of thousands of cryptocurrencies in existence, and hundreds more launching every day, there are many tokens that now share the same name and/or ticker symbol. When CryptoTaxCalculator pulls in the data from your wallets and exchanges, the platform will generally try to use the token contract address to identify the token, which negates the issue of shared tickers. However, some imports (such as exchange CSV files) do not generally provide the token contract address and only give a name and/or the ticker symbol. The platform will automatically assume this ticker is associated with the highest-ranked coin by market cap and assign this coin to those transactions.

Most of the time, this method of assigning the coin works for our users. However, if you have traded a coin that shares a ticker symbol with another token ranked higher by market cap, you may find the incorrect currency has been assigned to your transactions on the platform.

This is a very simple issue to correct and can be done by following these steps:

1. Head to the ‘Transactions’ page

2. Filter for the currency you want to update. You can check the transactions you want to update or select all by checking the checkbox beside 'Type'.

3. Go to the bottom of the page, then click ‘Edit’ or type 'Cmd' + 'K'.

4. Select or type in 'Change currency'.

5. Select the currency you would like to change.

6. Type in the ticker for the currency you wish to assign and select the correct one.

7. Click 'Confirm'.

8. You will now see that the new currency has been assigned to the selected transactions. You will also receive a notification at the bottom left of your page confirming the change.

9. The next step will be to ensure that your new currency has the correct price. If the filter was applied, on the same page, bulk-select your transactions again. Click 'Edit' at the bottom or type 'Cmd' + 'K'.

10. Select or type in 'Look up market price'.

11. Click 'Confirm'.

12. Your currency price will be updated. You will also receive a notification at the bottom left of your page confirming the price update.

*Please note that the ‘Value’ column is displayed in AUD in the above screenshots. This column will display the value of your trades in your local currency.

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