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Review: Transaction Categories

Guidelines for correctly assigning categories to transactions for accurate reports.

Shane Brunette avatar
Written by Shane Brunette
Updated over 2 months ago

This article explains the importance of proper categorization and provides descriptions of each category, helping you understand how they work and when to use them.

Before categorizing your transactions, we highly recommend importing all your data first. This will allow our algorithm to automatically categorize as many transactions as possible.

Despite our efforts to automate categorization, there may be times when you need to categorize your transactions manually.

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Why Is It Important to Categorize My Transactions?

The accuracy of your portfolio values and tax reports depends on how complete your imported data is and how correctly your transactions are categorized. Leaving transactions uncategorized or assigning them to the wrong category can lead to inaccurate values in your portfolio and tax reports. Hence, it’s essential that you select the correct categories.

Identifying Transactions That Require Manual Categorization

To identify uncategorized transactions, follow these steps based on your plan:

For Paid Plan Users

  • Go to the Review page and navigate to the ‘Categorize Transactions’ section.

  • Uncategorized transactions will appear as Categorize.

  • This feature helps save time by identifying similar transactions, allowing you to categorize them in bulk rather than individually.

For Free Plan Users

  • Use the Transactions page and apply the filter for ‘Warning: Requires Categorization’.

  • Uncategorized transactions will appear as Incoming and Outgoing.

  • To streamline the process, you can bulk categorize multiple transactions at once.

While we do our best to auto-categorize your transactions correctly, we recommend reviewing them to ensure accuracy. Please reach out to our Support team via the in-app chat if you think that our auto-categorization is incorrect.

Common Transactions

You bought cryptocurrency. This is not a taxable event. When applicable, the buy and sell pair groups a ‘Trade’.

You sold cryptocurrency. This triggers a capital gains tax event. When applicable, the buy and sell pair groups a ‘Trade’.

Send (outgoing) Receive (incoming)

Use this category when you’ve transferred cryptocurrency between your own wallets or exchanges and still retain ownership. Mark incoming transactions as ‘Receive’ and outgoing transactions as ‘Send.’ These ‘Send’ and ‘Receive’ pairs will automatically group together as a ‘Transfer.’

For more details, refer to our full guide here.

Bridge-out(outgoing) Bridge-in (incoming)

Used to transfer the cost basis from one chain to another. The bridge-out and bridge-in pair should automatically group into a ‘Bridge’.

For more details, refer to our full guide here.

Ignored Transactions

The figures in your report do not include these specific categories.

A failed transaction. This will be ignored from tax and balance calculations. However, fees incurred from creating the transaction will be accounted for.

A failed transaction. This will be ignored from tax and balance calculations. However, fees incurred from creating the transaction will be accounted for.

Ignore transactions from tax and balance calculations.

Ignore transactions from tax and balance calculations.

Mark the transactions as spam, and ignore them from tax and balance calculations.

DeFi Transactions

Incoming Defi Transactions

You have withdrawn the asset/token from a borrowing/lending platform.

You have removed the asset/token from a liquidity pool.

You received crypto on a blockchain from a trade initiated on a different blockchain.

You received or borrowed crypto/fiat as a result of providing collateral.

You received tokens for adding coins into a liquidity pool.

You earned interest from staking.

You withdrew the asset/token from the staking pool.

Outgoing Defi Transactions

You deposited the asset/token as collateral for a loan.

You added the asset/token into a liquidity pool.

You traded crypto on one blockchain and sent it to another blockchain via a bridge.

You paid the debt back on a loan.

You have returned tokens for removing coins from a liquidity pool.

You deposited the asset/token into a staking pool.

You were trading on leverage and got margin called.

Other Common Transactions

Common Incoming Transactions

You wired fiat into exchange from your bank account.

You received "free" tokens as part of a promotion or similar.

Use this if you acquired a new cryptocurrency as a result of a chain split (such as Bitcoin Cash being received by Bitcoin holders).

You received a gift from a third party (e.g., a family member).

You received income in crypto. You can also categorize commissions, etc, in this category.

You received interest for lending your cryptocurrency.

You received crypto as a mining reward.

This acts similar to a 'buy'. A common use case is when a user is minting NFTs.

You have received a rebate or cash back (e.g., a partial fee refund for a crypto credit card)

Payments provided automatically to the creator of an NFT from secondary sales.

Common Outgoing Transactions

You cashed out from your exchange, hopefully, more than you put in.


Use this if you have sent your crypto / NFT to a burner address. It triggers a capital loss event similar to the stolen category.

You lost cryptocurrency and want to claim the cost basis as a tax deduction.

You gave a gift to a third party (e.g. - a family member).

You made a personal use purchase and want to claim this as non-taxable (warning: check with your accountant before using this to make sure you satisfy the criteria)

You lost cryptocurrency and want to claim the cost basis as a tax deduction.

Expense Transactions

You can find the following listed transactions in the Miscellaneous Expense Report.


You approved the use of a smart contract. This is taxed the same way as a Fee, a disposal event.

You can use this if you want to categorize an outgoing transaction as an expense (e.g. payment for goods or services).

You paid a gas or network fee.

Derivative Transactions

Incoming Derivative Transactions

Decrease Position

You closed or reduced a position and received returns into your account (for derivatives).

Receive Position Token

You opened or increased a position and received a position token (for derivatives).

You received profit from trading derivatives (e.g., futures/margin).

Outgoing Derivative Transactions

Increase Position

You opened or increased a position by investing crypto from your account (for derivatives).

Send Position Token

You closed or reduced a position by returning the position token (for derivatives).

You made a loss when trading derivatives (e.g. - futures/margin).

You made an interest payment on a loan.

What about the more complex transactions?

There are many transaction types that are only being used in crypto. We have specific guides for all these categories.

To better understand these different categories, detailed below is an overview of each transaction category and its tax implications:


The Incoming and Outgoing categories are used when we don't have enough information to auto-categorize a transaction. If we are unsure whether a transaction is incoming or outgoing, it will be assigned the Unknown category. Uncategorized transactions do not trigger a capital gains event.




Treated as category




Account-ending Balance Impact



No change

Overall Balance Impact

No change

No change

No change

Capital Gains Event




The treatment and balance impact of uncategorized transactions can not be changed until you select the appropriate category.

You have the option to treat ‘Incoming’ and Outgoing’ as ‘Buy’ and ‘Sell’. Check this guide to learn more.


A Buy transaction represents the acquisition of the underlying asset (i.e. the purchase of the cryptocurrency). It's used to calculate the cost basis for future cryptocurrency sales. This does not trigger a capital gains tax event.


A Sell transaction represents the disposal of the underlying asset (i.e. the sale of the cryptocurrency). As a result, this sale triggers a capital gains tax event. The capital gain/loss is calculated based on the cost base of the asset (the price at the time of sale + any additional fees incurred due to the acquisition/disposal of the asset) and the value of the asset at the time of sale.

Specifically, the capital gain/loss is the 'received amount' minus the 'cost base'

Learn more:

A Send or Receive transaction is used to represent the movement of an asset between different wallets, exchanges, or accounts, where you maintain control of the underlying asset. As you do not 'dispose' of the asset, this transaction type does not trigger a capital gains tax event.


  • Sending cryptocurrency from an online exchange to your hardware wallet.

  • Receiving cryptocurrency from an online exchange to your hardware wallet.

  • Depositing cryptocurrency to a staking contract where you maintain ownership of the asset.

  • Withdrawing cryptocurrency from a staking contract where you have maintained ownership of the asset.

If our auto-matching transfer algorithm has been able to link together a Send and Receive transaction, then it will be marked as a Transfer. Criteria for being auto-matched include, but are not limited to:

  • The 'Send' and 'Receive' transaction occurs less than 1 hour apart and the 'Send' is earlier than 'Receive'.

  • The underlying cryptocurrency transferred is the same.

  • The underlying quantity and valuation are similar (taking into account any fees paid) for both the 'Send' and 'Receive'.

Example: The ‘Send’ and ‘Receive’ transactions in the table below will be grouped into a ‘Transfer’ as they satisfy the auto-matching criteria.

Import Source




Exchange A

01:00 AM



Exchange B

01:30 AM


Learn more:

Fiat Deposit/Withdrawal

The Fiat Deposit or Fiat Withdrawal categories are used when you deposit or withdraw fiat currency into or out of a fiat onramp exchange.


  • Depositing fiat onto an exchange from your credit card.

  • Withdrawing fiat from an exchange into your bank account.

Chain Split

The Chain Split category is used if you acquired a new cryptocurrency due to a chain split (such as Bitcoin Cash being received by Bitcoin holders). There is no income or capital gains tax event when receiving the new cryptocurrency. The new cryptocurrency received will have a cost basis of $0 for future trades.


The Airdrop category is used if you acquired cryptocurrency due to an airdrop. Proceeds from airdrops do not trigger an immediate capital gains taxable event. It can be treated as income and trigger an income tax event depending on your 'Airdrop' category tax toggle. Any future sale of the cryptocurrency is a capital gain event with a cost basis the same as the airdrop’s value when you received it.


A Mining transaction is used if you acquired cryptocurrency as a result of mining activities as a hobby (e.g. BTC mining). The tax implications of the mining transaction will depend on the tax laws of your local jurisdiction.


The Interest category is used if you acquired cryptocurrency due to interest-bearing activities that don't suit any of the other categories. Examples include earnings from lending, DEFI yield farming, high-interest cryptocurrency savings account, etc.

Proceeds from interest do not trigger an immediate capital gains taxable event but are classified as income; any future sale of the cryptocurrency is a capital gain event with a cost basis the same as the income price.


  • If you received 100 Sushi when its price is $10/SUSHI, you sell one month later when the price is $1/SUSHI, your income is $1,000 and capital loss is $900.


An Income transaction is used if you receive cryptocurrency through a salary, wage, or another form of general income (including referrals, completing surveys, etc).

Proceeds are classified as income, based on the price when the transaction occurs. Any future sale of the crypto is a capital gain event with a cost basis the same as the income price.

Personal Use

The Personal Use category is used if you have disposed of cryptocurrency for the purpose of purchasing goods or services. Please contact your accountant if you decide to use this transaction category, as it will have different tax implications than a Sell transaction.


The Lost or Stolen categories are used if you have lost cryptocurrency or had it stolen (e.g., 'rugged' by scammers). This will trigger a capital loss tax event, where the loss = ($0—the cost base of the cryptocurrency).

Gift and Outgoing Gift

The Gift category is used if you have received cryptocurrency as a gift. Similar to a Buy transaction type, the capital gain/loss is calculated based on the price at sale and the price when the gift is received. Receiving cryptocurrency as a gift does not trigger a capital gain or income tax event.

The Outgoing Gift category is used when you give cryptocurrency as a gift. It can be treated as taxable or non-taxable. Check the Tax toggle - Treat outgoing gift as non-taxable disposal guide for more information.

Note: If you are giving a gift to someone else in the form of cryptocurrency and, as a result, you are disposing of the asset (for CGT purposes), then we typically recommend making this transaction a Sell.


The Fee category is used if you have disposed of cryptocurrency to cover the cost of fees generated due to other transactions.


  • Fees paid when withdrawing cryptocurrency from a centralized exchange to your personal wallet.

  • Gas fees paid during on-chain Ethereum/E swaps when interacting with decentralized exchanges. You can read more details about Ethereum gas fees here.


The Rebate category is used if you have acquired cryptocurrency as a rebate (e.g., credit card rebate, fee rebate, etc). Classified similar to a 'Buy' transaction type (the cost base at the time of acquisition), this transaction type does not trigger an income event.

Ignore In/Out

The Ignore-in or Ignore-out categories are used to ignore a particular transaction from tax and balance calculations. This is a useful 'soft' alternative to deleting a transaction.

Failed In/Out

The Failed In or Failed Out categories are used for marking failed transactions (whether in or out). The transaction itself will be ignored from tax calculations, but any fees incurred from creating the transaction will be accounted for.

Example: You tried to send ETH to someone during a period of high network congestion. However, the transaction failed because the gas limit set was too low to cover the required fee. While the transfer didn’t go through, the gas fee was still charged by the Ethereum network.

Realized Profit/Loss

The Realized Profit or Realized Loss categories are used for margin, futures, derivates, etc. type trades, where a profit or a loss has been realized on the trade. Proceeds from these trades count are classified as income.


The Loan category is used when you have borrowed cryptocurrency or fiat (typically via a lending platform) using collateral. This does not trigger a capital gains tax event. It will be used as the cost basis for future sales of the borrowed asset.

Learn more:

Margin Fee

The Margin Fee category represents a fee or interest paid to maintain an open loan position. This can be associated with margin trades, futures trades, CFD, derivative trades, and standard loans).

Loan Repayment

The Loan Repayment category is used when repaying the collateral on a loan. This is separate from any fees or interests charged for maintaining the loan. The disposal of cryptocurrency can trigger a capital gain (or loss) on the difference from your purchase price.


A Liquidation transaction is used when the lending, margin, or futures trading platform has liquidated your supplied collateral to cover their losses. This typically is caused by the inability to pay back a loan or due to price volatility (i.e. getting margin called). This will trigger a capital loss tax event, where the loss = ($0 - the cost base of the cryptocurrency), as you are disposing of the asset and receiving nothing in return.

Collateral Deposit

A Collateral Deposit is used when depositing crypto collateral into a protocol in order to borrow or take a loan against your crypto.

Collateral Withdrawal

A Collateral Withdrawal is used when you have paid back the loan you have taken against crypto collateral and you are now withdrawing the initially deposited collateral from the lending protocol.

Cross Chain Trade

A Cross Chain Trade is used when you completed a cross-chain swap involving trading assets on one chain for different assets on another. If the transactions are not grouped, you can categorize the incoming transaction as Cross Chain Buy and the outgoing transaction as Cross Chain Sell.

If you have any questions or need help, we're here for you! Feel free to reach out to us via the in-app chat in the bottom-right corner or send your inquiries to [email protected].

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