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Lock Periods Feature
Vivi Turla avatar
Written by Vivi Turla
Updated over 3 months ago

The Lock Periods feature allows you to secure specific periods, preventing transaction modifications within those timeframes. This is especially useful to ensure that your past tax years do not change once you have submitted your tax reports.


  • The Lock Periods feature is only available on paid plans.

  • It is not yet available in the UK and Canada.

Before locking any periods, please ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed your transactions and balances, and resolved all issues in your Review tab or by filtering for 'warnings' on the Transactions page. Once a period is locked, it is highly recommended to avoid unlocking it.


Keep in mind that if you do need to unlock a period later, your balance, calculated gains, and report values may change. These changes cannot be reversed directly, even if you lock it again.

Important things to know about the Lock Periods feature:

Locking Periods

  • You must lock from the beginning of time, i.e., you cannot have unlocked transactions before a locked period.

  • The locked tax periods must be sequential. For example, you already locked the beginning of your data until 31 December 2023. The next locked period will automatically start on 31 December 2023.

  • If you create a lock with a given end date, the lock will be effective at midnight on that day, based on your account's time zone.

  • If you try to create a lock on, say, 30 June 2024, it may lock slightly more than what you have requested. For instance, if you have a 'send' transaction at 11 p.m. on 30 June 2024, have requested a lock on midnight 30 June, and have a 'receive' transaction for that 'send' at 1 a.m. on 1 July, CTC will lock up until past 1 a.m. so that the transfer doesn’t get split apart.

Unlocking Periods

  • When you unlock tax periods, your balance, calculated gains, and report values might change. These changes cannot be undone.

  • Changing your Inventory Method and Tax Toggles won't impact the locked transactions. However, unlocking the tax periods will apply the current settings, which may change your gains and report values.

  • Unlocking a locked tax period will unlock all subsequent locked periods.

    Example: The lock periods are:
    1. Start until 30 June 2023

    2. 30 June 2023 - 30 June 2024

    Unlocking Start until 30 June 2023 will also unlock 30 June 2023 - 30 June 2024.

Imports / Adding Transactions

  • Transactions imported within the locked period will NOT be imported. To import the skipped transactions, you must hard sync your API/wallet and/or reimport the CSV after you unlock the tax period/s.

  • You cannot manually add a transaction using the 'Add Transaction' button within the locked period.

Transactions Tab

Transactions within the locked period cannot be edited. The lock icon is on the left side of your transactions. You need to unlock the tax period/s first to edit transactions.

Review Tab

  • The Review tab will not list the uncategorized transactions, missing prices, and missing blockchain warnings for transactions within the locked period.

  • You can still see the missing purchase history warnings for the lock period/s, which could be due to uncategorized or incorrectly categorized transactions. You would need to unlock the tax period/s to recategorize your transactions.

The effects of unlocking periods are irreversible. Ensure you read and understand the information here.

How to Lock Periods

  • For individual accounts: Go to Settings > Lock Periods.

  • For accountant accounts: Go to Client Settings > Lock Periods.

Click + Add locked period.

The lock period will automatically start at the beginning of your data. Specify your end date, and then click Save locked period.

If you add another one, the start date will automatically be the end date of the previous locked period. You can add as many lock periods as you need.

Possible Effects of Unlocking Periods

The effects of unlocking periods are irreversible. Once unlocked, any changes to calculations and reports cannot be undone, even if the period is re-locked. Current settings will be applied to unlocked transactions, potentially altering balances, gains, and report values.

Automatic Application of Current Settings

When you unlock a period, the current settings below automatically apply to ALL unlocked transactions. This means that even if you do not make additional manual changes, your tax settings will be applied to unlocked transactions, potentially affecting your balance, calculated gains, and overall report values.



The current tax toggle settings will be applied to unlocked transactions, which may affect calculations.

Your current inventory method (e.g., First In First Out, Last in First Out) will also apply to all unlocked transactions, which may impact cost basis calculations and, consequently, taxable gains or losses.

Current cost basis tracking settings are applied to unlocked periods, which could change cost and gains calculations.

Actions That Can Affect Calculations and Report Values After Unlocking

After a period is unlocked, certain actions may change balances, cost bases, gain calculations, and reporting values. Here are some examples:



New transactions imported via Hard Sync

When you do a hard sync, new transactions may be imported into previously locked periods. This can impact balances, cost bases, and gains.

Deletion of APIs, Wallets, or CSV Files

Removing imported data sources like APIs, wallets, or uploaded CSV files will delete associated transactions and may change the gains, balances, and values.

Additional Data Imports

After unlocking, the platform will allow you to import additional data or manually add data using the ‘Add Transaction’ button for the previously locked period. These new transactions can change your balances, cost bases, and gains.

Edits to Transaction Details

Edits to transaction fields such as timestamps, category, currency, quantity, price, values, and source and destination accounts/addresses could result in different balances and gains. Please exercise caution when bulk-editing transactions.

Deleting and/or ignoring transactions can affect your cost bases, resulting in different gains. Your token balances may also change.

How to Unlock Periods

Unlocking a tax period may change your balances, calculated gains, and report values. We recommend downloading your tax reports before unlocking the periods to keep a copy of your current report values.

To unlock periods, click the padlock icon of the period you wish to unlock.

Acknowledge the possible changes that might occur by ticking the boxes, then click Unlock Period.

Keep in mind that if you do need to unlock a period later, your balance, calculated gains, and report values may change. These changes cannot be reversed directly, even if you lock it again.

Common Tax Settings To Update After Locking Periods

After locking periods, you can make adjustments without affecting your previous reports. Below are some common tax settings users modify after locking a period.



Relevant Guide

Change Cost Basis Tracking

Switching between ‘Universal’ and ‘By Wallet and Exchange’, or vice versa.

Change Inventory Methods

Switching to Last In First Out, Most Tax Effective, etc.

Adjust Other Tax Settings

Changing other tax settings

Individual users: Tax Settings
Accountants: Client Tax Settings

If you have any questions or need help, we're here for you! Feel free to reach out to us via the in-app chat in the bottom-right corner or send your inquiries to [email protected] about the Lock Periods feature.

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