Simple Custom CSV Import

A Guide to Using the Simple Custom CSV Import for Simple Trades

Patrick McGimpsey avatar
Written by Patrick McGimpsey
Updated over a week ago

Note: Simple custom CSV only supports simple trades without fees. It can be used for simple trades where the fees have already been applied within the trading data. For more advanced trades, visit our Advanced Custom CSV Guide.

Importing trades

Crypto Tax Calculator allows users to import trades from crypto exchanges and wallets that are not currently supported. Search the exchange/wallet name on your Import page.

Click "Import CTC templated CSV for" will open the window (see the below image) where you can import the custom CSV. You can also edit the exchange name here.

Simple template

Follow these steps to import your trade data as per the format above.

  1. Download a copy of the Simple Template

  2. For each trade you would like imported, fill out each of the following columns.

    • Timestamp (UTC): The recognized format defaults to DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss. You can also select the different date formats in the "Advanced Options".

      • MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss

      • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss

      • YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss

    • Asset Traded: The symbol of the currency or coin that was traded

    • Amount Traded: The amount including fees that was traded

    • Asset Received: The symbol of the currency or coin that was received

    • Amount Received: The amount including fees that was received

  3. Download the template as a Comma Separated Values file (.CSV)

  4. Log in to Crypto Tax Calculator, and navigate to the import section. Enter the name of the exchange, and click on the option to custom upload CSV.

  5. Upload the CSV file you just saved to import your data.

Advanced Options

The advanced options drop-down menu allows you to assign the currencies and select the recognized date format on your CSV.

Manually assign currencies

You can select the tickers that appear on your CSV that you would like to assign to a specific currency. Any tickers not specified will be assigned by their market cap ranking where possible.

Manually select date format

You can select the date format which appears on your CSV. If left unspecified, the date we recognized will only default to YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss

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