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Income Report
David Melbourne avatar
Written by David Melbourne
Updated over a week ago

The Income Report is the report that you will need to file a return for transactions that are taxed as income. The exact definition of what income should be in crypto is up for debate and not many countries have given any exact guidance on what should be considered income or not.

As a result, we allow you to choose if transaction categories such as Airdrops, Mining, Royalties and Staking Rewards should be treated as income. To find this area, please navigate to the Settings Page (top right cog wheel) > then to Portfolio & Tax > then scroll down further to find these toggles.

It is advised that you speak with an accountant familiar with your countries tax laws before changing any of these settings;

Note: If any of these toggles are switched off (grey color) then we won’t display that transaction category on this report.

Report Summary

At the top of the Income Report, you will find both Report Details and Report Summary, which will look similar to the image below. This is a summary of all the income that you have made during the selected financial year, not including income earned from leverage/margin (These transactions can be found in the Derivatives Trading Report);

The report summary categories in this report can be found below;

Airdrop - Total income received from airdrops during the selected financial year

Income - Total income earned from the category 'income'

Interest - Total Income earned from interest payments

Staking - Total income earned from staking rewards

Royalty - Total income earned from royalty payments (such as NFT’s)

Mining - Total income earned from mining

Total Income - Airdrop + Income + Interest + Staking + Mining

Taxable Income Events

Below the summary page, you will get down to the raw data that makes up this report. This part of the report is called Taxable Income Events and it will include all the transactions that are considered as taxable and is a breakdown of the income report summary at the top. Each of these rows will describe an individual income event that has occurred during the selected financial year;

The data for these transactions will then be broken down into five columns;

Currency: The currency that was responsible for the income event

Received: The date and time the income was acquired.

Trade Type: The category of trade that was responsible for the received income

Quantity: The amount of the asset that was received as income.

Income: The value of the income that was earned (this will be displayed in your local currency Eg. USD, AUD, EUR)

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