Supported transactions
To calculate your taxes accurately, you must import all transactions from MEXC into Crypto Tax Calculator. CTC supports the following transactions from MEXC:
Tx Type | API | File upload |
Deposits | ❌ | ✅ |
Withdrawals | ❌ | ✅ |
Spot Trades | ✅ | ✅ |
Futures (Inc fees & funding) | ❌ | ✅ |
The MEXC API currently only gives access to the last 30 days of transaction history and expires after 90 days. Due to this and the missing deposit, withdrawal and futures transactions, we recommend importing your data via file upload instead of API.
How to connect MEXC to Crypto Tax Calculator via file upload
Depending on your trading history you may need to import up to four different files.
Follow the below steps to download each file:
Spot Trades
On the top menu bar click 'Orders' and select 'Spot Orders'
Select 'Trade History' and click the 'Export' button.(
In the popup window, select the time range you wish to download, and press the 'Generate’ button to export your transaction records
Upload the XLSX files to Crypto Tax Calculator
Note: MEXC have a 3 year export limit for spot trades, if you have trades older that this you should contact MEXC support to request the older transactions.
Deposits and withdrawals
For deposit history data: On the top menu bar click 'Wallets' and select 'Funding History'
Select 'Deposit' and click the 'Export' button (
In the popup window, select the time range you wish to download, deselect ‘Encrypt the file’ and press the 'Generate’ button to export your deposit records
For withdrawal history data: On the top menu bar click 'Wallets' and select 'Funding History'
Select 'Withdrawal' and click the 'Export' button (
In the popup window, select the time range you wish to download, deselect ‘Encrypt the file’ and press the 'Generate’ button to export your withdrawal records
Upload the XLSX files to Crypto Tax Calculator
Note: MEXC have a 1 year export limit for deposits and withdrawals, if you have deposits and withdrawals older that this you should contact MEXC support to request them.
Futures PnL
On the top menu bar click 'Orders' and select 'Futures Orders'
Select 'Order & Trade History' and click the 'Export Order History' button (
In the popup window, select the time range you wish to download, select ‘EXCEL’ for the Export Format and press the 'Export' button to export your transaction records
Upload the XLSX files to Crypto Tax Calculator
Note: MEXC have a 2 year export limit for Futures data, if you have futures trades older that this you should contact MEXC support to request the older transactions.
How to connect MEXC to Crypto Tax Calculator via API
Log into your MEXC account
In the top right of the screen, hover over the account picture and select 'API Management' from the dropdown list (
Under the 'Spot' heading, select 'Account: View Account Details' and 'Trade: View Order Details'
In the Notes (Required), provide a nickname for the API key, such as 'Crypto Tax Calculator'
Tick the 'I have read and agree to the Risk Reminders for API Users' and click the button 'Create'
Copy the 'Access Key' and 'Secret Key' and enter them both into Crypto Tax Calculator
How to troubleshoot MEXC import errors
Use CSV Instead of API
With MEXC we highly recommend using the CSV option over the API due to the MEXC API limitations mentioned above.File/API Fails to Import
Double-check that you’ve followed the provided instructions for file/API preparation and import.
If the file/API still fails to import, the exchange may have updated their format or endpoints. Please share the file or API key & secret with our support team so we can investigate and add support for the updated format.
Missing Transactions
Ensure that all relevant date ranges have been exported and uploaded.
Confirm that all files have been successfully uploaded without errors.
If you locate the missing transactions on the exchange or in your original files, share this information with our support team. We will investigate the cause and implement any necessary fixes.